Human Rights

Since 1996 Steve has been the Chairman of the Australian Section of the International Commission of Jurists, a Geneva-based organisation established in the early 1950s to promote the rule of law, human rights and the independence of the judiciary. The Australian Section has been particularly active both within Australia and the Pacific/Asian region sending missions to observe trials in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vanuatu to name a few, and making numerous submissions to government on issues of concern under its mandate. The membership of the ICJ Australian Section has grown significantly in recent years comprising senior members of the judiciary, the Bar and solicitor branches of the profession as well as legal academics, law students and others interested in promoting human rights.
For further information about the International Commission of Jurists (Australia) see

Steve has been actively involved in numerous issues since being appointed Chairman in 1996. Over the years he has been Chair of the Indigenous Sub-committee, Chair of the Charter of Rights Sub-committee and Chair of the Anti-Terrorist Taskforce. As the Chair of these Sub-committees Steve facilitated discussion amongst committee members and drafted submissions/papers for government inquiries. Steve has also been active, as the ICJ Representative, in the development of policies concerning mental health and forensic patients.

Steve has also been working on an exciting new project which involves designing a judicial system that is inclusive of customary law values and is compatible with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s (ARoB) Constitution, the 2001 Peace Agreement with PNG and is accessible to the people of Bougainville.